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Julie Wojta, Pro Athlete

Cofounder, Wevolv

"I had the opportunity to speak with Shashank on a few different occasions. He's very approachable and has always made himself available to bounce ideas.


After sharing a brief pitch of our startup, he was able to quickly identify which pieces we should be focusing our energies on. He also shared tangible steps to succeed in these areas.


His background gives a great mix of perspectives with problem-solving and I'm happy to have him in my corner as a resource on the entrepreneurial journey."

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Robert L. Heimerl, AIA

Founder, FlippinTiki

President, Abacus Architects

I have been working on getting a new patented product FlippinTiki to market which should happen within a few months. I was able to meet with Shashank Varma and this meeting was a huge help to me.


I went into my meeting with Shashank overwhelmed with all the things that I needed to get done to move my start up business forward and I left this meeting feeling focused and with clear direction as to what was most important to do and when.


Having this clarity gave me a sense of calm moving forward which I needed.


I should spend more time with Shashank to review what I have achieved to date and then review what my next steps should be.

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Justin Vannieuwenhoven

Founder, Sheboatin' and Shebikin'

Shashank has been a go-to resource during pivotal points in the development of my company. He quickly and efficiently analyzed the current position of the start-up and focused on the “now” to strategically address the next steps going forward.


He’s provided valuable insight regarding a wide variety of topics from the pros/cons of franchising to crafting an effective pitch to determining what success looks like and much more.


However, from past experience, insight and advice is often only surface level. His ability to teach and ensure a true understanding of his recommendations and insights is where his deepest value lies.


His words hold weight because he’s able to provide easy to understand context to validate his recommendations and pushes you to think from a variety of different aspects in order to achieve success.


Put simply, when I’m unsure or not 100% confident in the next step for the company, I go to Shashank.

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Stephanie Hoskins & Houston Hoskins

Cofounders, Debtle

Shashank has been instrumental in each productive step that Debtle has taken. It is something of which the entire Debtle team is and will remain both conscious and grateful.


His ability to quickly conceptualize business models, opportunities, and guide towards practical product applications is demonstrative of his knowledge of the landscape, his vision of the future, and his ability to masterfully put it all into context. If this were the only value he added, we would be grateful.


The three words that come to mind immediately after a meeting with Shashank are: concise, clear, and hopeful.


He was able to assist in helping us identify some of our unknown unknowns -a big deal for startups -and provide some high level analysis regarding our opportunities in presenting the product value proposition and its market advantages. This alone probably saved us months -at least. The response to the product and presentation shifted for the better from that point, and Shashank is largely -if not entirely -to thank for it.


Most, however, is his dedication to putting his craft to use for the community of innovation. He walks the walk, so to speak, and his ability to inspire hopefulness is a stabilizing force and a source of energy for startups. The importance of this element is only truly known to entrepreneurs, innovators, and those in that world.


Shashank has made our company and our team better. For that we are forever grateful, and in summation I hope it is enough to say that we strive to emulate his approach, gain from his wisdom, and help others as effectively and productively as he has helped us.


We are available for questions regarding any specifics, but this has been a summary and careful review of the entirety of our experience with him, and there have not been any exceptions.


We simply could not give a higher recommendation for somebody with whom to work.

© 2021 by Shashank Varma

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